Ramadan a time for family, friends and reflection

A reflection on the meaning of Ramadan

“When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained.”

Holy Prophet Muhammad

As a long term expat living in Dubai it has taken me some time to understand Ramadan beyond the definition of what it means to me from a practical perspective. It is not just a time when we moderate our behaviour, avoid eating and drinking in public and observe our Muslim friends dedicating themselves to fasting.

For Muslims Ramadan is a deeply spiritual period of dedication and a journey of purification and focus on contributing to the greater good via fasting, reflection, charity and prayer. I have a great deal of respect for that intention and demonstration of devotion and self-reflection.

Each person will choose to engage with it based on their own perspective and cultural beliefs. For me it is an opportunity to reflect, focus on myself and my goals, the relationships around me and to consider my contribution to others. With shorter working hours I plan to go to the gym in the afternoons to re-claim some time in the whirlwind of busy to be healthy and to think about what I could do more in service to my community and others.

At this point I would like to invite you as the reader to suggest in this blogs comments any initiatives you think @fabcrewsuperheroes could contribute to this Ramadan? We have vans moving around our communities and it could be an opportunity for us to contribute to your existing Ramadan initiatives!

Mutual understanding and reflection

“Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality.”

Barack Obama

We are fortunate to live in one of the most diverse and tollerant cities in the world. During Ramadan the city opens up to include all who are interested in taking part in Ramadan activities.

The Gulf News recently shared an article on All you need to know about Ramadan and its blessings that provides insight into the meaning of Ramadan, fasting, guidelines for non-muslims and the impact of Covid19 restrictions on activities. In my opinion, its well worth a read and is a great reminder of things to consider.

A time for entertaining and hosting when breaking the fast

“May you be showered with peace, joy and prosperity. Happy Ramadan”


It is not uncommon for Muslims to invite close friends to join their family for Iftar, the meal at sunset when the fast is broken. One of the themes of Ramadan is sharing making this invitation to eat together even more significant during this period.

Like any festive season this applies pressure to those organising the entertaining and working hard to ensure that the house is ready to host. It must also be tiring preparing food and keeping on top of cleaning while fasting.

Our @fabcrewsuperheroes team are ready to provide support to you, if you need it during this time, or anytime. Once again thanks for reading this blog post, it has been a pleasure writing it and sharing my thoughts.

Ramadan Kareem!
